
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Dynamics Mechanism of Vulnerability for Resource-based Enterprise Communities in China

The Dynamics Mechanism of Vulnerability for Resource-based Enterprise Communities in China DOI: Abstract This paper has analyzed the dynamics mechanism of resource enterprisescommunity vulnerability, selected the key factor of resources to establisha nonlinear dynamical model. The model reveals the constrained relationship between the number of vulnerable enterprises and resource shortagerate, and the same relationship between t vulnerable enterprise numbersand the owning rate of resource market by the biggest enterprise in resource-type enterprises community of China. The results showed that, theshortage rate of resources take up more percentage than the occupancy ofresource rate of the strongest enterprises in Enterprise community whenD>q. the characteristics and patterns of the Chinese enterprise evolutionare as follows, (1) The strongest enterprises n1 will decline or transformin the enterprise community. (2) The enterprises which surv...

Land Conversions and Forest Dynamics in a Riparian Forest Zone in South East Nigeria

Land Conversions and Forest Dynamics in a Riparian Forest Zone in South East Nigeria DOI: Abstract The rate at which forest ecosystems are lost and modified across tropicallandscapes are alarming, yet proper documentation and proactive measures to curtail this still remains a huge challenge in most areas. Thisresearch focused on elucidating the ongoing land use change patternsof a riparian forest landscape, its current impacts on the ecosystem andland surface temperature, as well as its likely future scenarios for thezone. LANDSAT images were downloaded for 1988, 2003 and 2018and used to show the dynamics for the zone, its drivers and their varyingtemperatures. Maximum Likelihood Classification algorithm was usedfor the classification and the land-use classes were categorized as: Waterbody, Farms and Sparse Vegetation, Built-up Areas, Bare Surface, andThick Vegetation. Furthermore, Markov Chain Analysis was employedfor understanding the futur...

Effect of Precipitation Characteristics on Spatial and Temporal Variations of Landslide in Kermanshah Province in Iran

Effect of Precipitation Characteristics on Spatial and Temporal Variations of Landslide in Kermanshah Province in Iran DOI: Abstract Landslide can be defined as the mass movement of sloping slopes underthe influence of mass gravity and its stimuli such as earthquakes, floodsand flood plains. This phenomenon is one of the natural hazards thatevery year causes a lot of financial and financial losses in mountainous,rain-fed and seismic areas. Detection of time and the magnitude of landslides are necessary to understand the causes of landslide and to warnpotential hazards. In this research, the amount of landslide displacementin Kermanshah province was evaluated by the characteristics of rainfall.To this end, a network of fixed points in and out of the slipping mass of20 points was created to monitor the amount of displacement on differentslip load users and the amount of displacement of each point in 5 timeintervals using the Global Positioning ...

Application of UAV in Road Safety in Intelligent Areas

Application of UAV in Road Safety in Intelligent Areas DOI: Abstract With the continuous development of remote sensing(RS) technology, thesurface information can be collected conveniently and quickly by usingthe popular unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV). The application of UAVlow altitude RS technology in road safety in intelligent area has certainpractical significance. It can provide safety warning for most drivers, andprovide auxiliary decision-making for the road supervision department.Through the collection, processing, calculation and analysis of the roadimage, the UAV can find out the road obstacles with potential safety hazards, identify the road pit, calculate the radius and depth of the road pitthrough the digital mapping system, predict the accident risk according todifferent speed and provide scientific basis for the road safety monitoring.At the same time, UAV can provide repair scheme for damaged roads,estimate the quantity of materi...

Performance Evaluation of Reactive Routing Protocols in MANETs in Association with TCP Newreno

Performance Evaluation of Reactive Routing Protocols in MANETs in Association with TCP Newreno DOI: Abstract We inspect the performance of TCP NewReno protocol for data transfer in Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANETs). Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocols and AdHoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) are standard reactive routing protocols widely used in MANETs. In addition we also have to consider Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as essential for MANETs since it is one of the widely used internet protocol for dependable data transmission. TCP has its variants namely TCP Reno, TCP NewReno , TCP Vegas and TCP SACK. In this paper we are evaluating the performance of DSR and AODV in association with TCP Newreno with respect to various parameters such as Average throughput, instant throughput, residual energy, packet delivery ratio. The ns-2 network simulator was used for simulation. Keywords MANET; TCP Newreno; AODV; DSR Full Text: PDF

Evaluating Word Similarity Measure of Embeddings Through Binary Classification

Evaluating Word Similarity Measure of Embeddings Through Binary Classification DOI: Abstract We consider the following problem: given neural language models (embeddings) each of which is trained on an unknown data set, how can we determine which model would provide a better result when used for feature representation in a downstream task such as text classification or entity recognition? In this paper, we assess the word similarity measure through analyzing its impact on word embeddings learned from various datasets and how they perform in a simple classification task. Word representations were learned and assessed under the same conditions. For training word vectors, we used the implementation of Continuous Bag of Words described in  [1] . To assess the quality of the vectors, we applied the analogy questions test for word similarity described in the same paper. Further, to measure the retrieval rate of an embedding model, we introduce...

Discussion on Innovation of Seasoning under the Background of “Internet +”

Discussion on Innovation of Seasoning under the Background of “Internet +” DOI: Abstract “Internet +” has become the mainstream trend of development in the new era, and the degree of integration with various industries is deepening. Under the background of “Internet +”, traditional condiment enterprises are also facing a series of new demands for reform. Based on this, this paper, based on the reality of “Internet +” background, analyzes the existing problems in the development of condiments, and explores innovative strategies of condiments under the background of “Internet +”. Keywords “Internet plus”; Spices; Innovation Full Text: PDF

Thumb Rule for Nowcast of Dust Storm and Strong Squally Winds over Delhi NCR using DWR Data

Thumb Rule for Nowcast of Dust Storm and Strong Squally Winds over Delhi NCR using DWR Data DOI: Abstract Squally winds are the natural hazards and are often associated with the severe thunderstorms (TS), which mostly affects plains of North West India during pre monsoon season (March to May). Squally winds of the order more than 60 kmph are very devastating. Under influence of these strong squally winds trees, electricity poles, advertisement sign boards fall, sometimes human life is also lost. The main objective of this study is to find out the thumb rule based on Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) Data to Nowcast the squally winds over a region. To detect thumb rule, five cases of thunder storm accompanied with squally winds ranging from (55 kmph to 110 kmph) are taken in to consideration. These TS’s occurred over Delhi NCR (National Capital Region) during May - June 2018. Maximum reflectivity (Max Z) data of Delhi DWR, Cloud Top Temperature (CT...

Rainfall Estimation using Image Processing and Regression Model on DWR Rainfall Product for Delhi-NCR Region

Rainfall Estimation using Image Processing and Regression Model on DWR Rainfall Product for Delhi-NCR Region DOI: Abstract Observed rainfall is a very essential parameter for the analysis of rainfall, day to day weather forecast and its validation. The observed rainfall data is only available from five observatories of IMD; while no rainfall data is available at various important locations in and around Delhi-NCR. However, the 24-hour rainfall data observed by Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) for entire Delhi and surrounding region (up to 150 km) is readily available in a pictorial form.  In this paper, efforts have been made to derive/estimate the rainfall at desired locations using DWR hydrological products. Firstly, the rainfall at desired locations has been estimated from the precipitation accumulation product (PAC) of the DWR using image processing in Python language. After this, a linear regression model using the least square method h...

On the Formation of a Bead Structure of Spark Channels during a Discharge in Air at Atmospheric Pressure

On the Formation of a Bead Structure of Spark Channels during a Discharge in Air at Atmospheric Pressure DOI: Abstract The conditions for the formation of spark channels with a bead structure in an inhomogeneous electric field at different polarities of voltage pulses are studied. Voltage pulses with an amplitude of up to 150 kV and a rise time of ≈1.5 µs were applied across a 45-mm point-to-plane gap. Under these conditions, spark channels consisting of bright and dim regions (bead structure) were observed. It is shown that when current is limited, an increase in the rise time and the gap length does not affect the formation of the bead structure. It was found that an increase in the amplitude of voltage pulses leads to an increase in the length of beads. The appearance of the bead structure is more likely at negative polarity of the pointed electrode. The formation of spark channels was studied with ...

Behavior of the Cultivable Airborne Mycobiota in Air-Conditioned Environments of Three Havanan Archives, Cuba

Behavior of the Cultivable Airborne Mycobiota in Air-Conditioned Environments of Three Havanan Archives, Cuba DOI: Abstract High concentrations of environmental fungi in the archives repositories are dangerous for the documents preserved in those places and for the workers' health. The aims of this work were to evaluate the behavior of the fungal concentration and diversity in the indoor air of repositories of 3 archives located in Havana, Cuba, and to demonstrate the potential risk that these taxa represent for the documentary heritage preserved in these institutions. The indoor and outdoor environments were sampled with a biocollector. From the I/O ratios, it was evident that two of the studied archives were not contaminated, while one of them did show contamination despite having temperature and relative humidity values very similar to the other two.  Aspergillus ,  Penicillium  and  Cladosporium  were the predomi...

Sediment Distribution of the River Boundary Layer

Sediment Distribution of the River Boundary Layer DOI: Abstract The movement of particles on the river boundary layer is a complexphenomena which can be never solved by a deterministic approach. Theunsteady non uniform conditions in flow boundary layer show the result ofwater surface and bed stream changing with time and location of particles.To determine the movement of boundary layer particles other new theoriesabout stochastic processes using the theory of probability and statistics inriver alluvial channels will give better results. Keywords Sediment transport;Unsteady;Stochastic;Stream Full Text: PDF

Empirical Studies in Alluvial Streams

Empirical Studies in Alluvial Streams DOI: Abstract Meander flow takes place in one single channel which oscillates more orless regularly with amplitudes that tend to increase with time. Meandersare found in beds of fine sediments with gentle slopes. In this study, effortwill be made to investigate meanders’ turbulent boundary layer and toimprove the present knowledge about the river meandering phenomena. Itis assumed that the development of the perturbations which develop intomeanders or braids, is longer than the width of the channel. Interaction between the flow and mobile boundaries produces channel patterns which areclassified as meandering or braided. It is therefore long compared with theripples or dunes which cover the bed of such a channel and whose wavelength is shorter than the width of the channel. The variation of resistance toflow and rate of transport of bed material with velocity are discussed brieflyand taken into account. Me...

Discussion at Maximum Sediment Discharge Theory

Discussion at Maximum Sediment Discharge Theory DOI: Abstract It is observed the gravel river sediment discharge with existing empiricalregime relationships. The aim of the research is to give a mathematicalmodel about the stable cross-section geometry and to determine a modelfor the stable slope of an alluvial channel which is in nature seldom stable.In an alluvial channel to reach an equilibrium condition, it changes its planegeometry until to have a stable condition in plane configuration. There arethree different parameters in plan configuration about river behavior: width,depth and slope. Keywords Sediment transport; Mathematical model; Empirical regime relationship Full Text: PDF

Development of River Meander Model

Development of River Meander Model DOI: Abstract In the studies of open-channel flow with suspended sediments, used aconstant of Von Karman κ in a model for velocity profile. The augmentation parameters have been added by various researchers in more recentdevelopment of the boundary-layer theory of meander development. In thisresearch new parameters will be included because of the existence of theturbulent flow region in meandering channels because of boundary-layertheory. Keywords Meander;Flow;Model;Boundary layer;Sediment Full Text: PDF

Applications in New River-meander Model

Applications in New River-meander Model DOI: Abstract If the sediment transport behaves as bed-load, the sediment surface at meandering channel will deform into transverse waves.This investigation is a new model for prediction of river-meander models in nature.The aim of this research is to give a precise method whose bed forms can have a variety of scales ranging from ripples through small dunes to fully developed dunes or sandwaves.Its mathematical model will be investigated. Keywords Sand waves;Sediment;Meandering;Transportation Full Text: PDF

Understanding the Nexus between Climate Change, the Shift in Land Use toward Cashew Production and Rural Food Security in Ghana; the Experiences of Farmers in the Transition Zone of Ghana

Understanding the Nexus between Climate Change, the Shift in Land Use toward Cashew Production and Rural Food Security in Ghana; the Experiences of Farmers in the Transition Zone of Ghana DOI: Abstract This study summarises the findings from a study investigating rural small-holding farmers’ experiences on the shift from food crop to cashew in the forest/savanna transitional agro-ecological zone of Ghana and its impact on rural food security. Using a mix method approach, the study sampled the views of 400 farmers from 9 farming communities in the Wenchi Municipality of Ghana via questionnaire and semi-structured interview and collated statistical data on crop production to trace the nexus between climate change, agrarian land-use decisions and food security. The study found evidence of increasing shift from food crop to cashew production. This was evidenced by increasing cashew cultivation and cashew output and decreasing total land acreage ...

Planetary Layer Lapse Rate Comparison of Tropical,Montane and Hot Semi-Arid Climates of Nigeria

Planetary Layer Lapse Rate Comparison of Tropical,Montane and Hot Semi-Arid Climates of Nigeria DOI: Abstract This study assessed the pattern of planetary layer lapse rate across the major climate belts of Nigeria. Six years’ data (2010-2015) for air temperature values between 1000 mbar and 850 mbar atmospheric pressure levels were acquired from Era-Interim Re-analysis data centre. The data was retrieved at 6-hourly synoptic hours: 0000H, 0600H, 1200H and 1800H at 0.125o grid resolution. Results showed that the lower tropospheric layers throughout the various climate belts has a positive lapse rate. Findings also revealed that the average annual lapse rate condition were: Tropical wet zone (Port Harcourt) -5.6 oC/km; Bi-modal Tropical continental zone (Enugu) 5.8 oC/km; Montane zone (Jos) -6.5 oC/km; Mono-modal Tropical continental zone (Kano) -6.6 oC/km; and Hot semi-arid zone (Maiduguri) -6.6 oC/km. This average values presents the lapse r...

Global Warming and Its Multiple Causes

Global Warming and Its Multiple Causes DOI: Abstract The global warming which preoccupies humanity, is still considered to be linked to a single cause which is the emission of greenhouse gases, CO2 in particular. In this article, we try to show that, on the one hand, the greenhouse effect (the radiative imprisonment to use the scientific term) took place in conjunction with the infrared radiation emitted by the earth. The surplus of CO2 due to the combustion of fossil fuels, but also the surplus of infrared emissions from artificialized soils contribute together or each separately, to the imbalance of the natural greenhouse effect and the trend of global warming. In addition, another actor acting directly and instantaneously on the warming of the ambient air is the heat released by fossil fuels estimated at 17415.1010 kWh / year inducing a rise in temperature of 0.122°C, or 12.2°C / century. Keywords Greenhouse effect gases; Global warming; ...