Empirical Studies in Alluvial Streams

Empirical Studies in Alluvial Streams

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jgr.v3i1.1668


Meander flow takes place in one single channel which oscillates more orless regularly with amplitudes that tend to increase with time. Meandersare found in beds of fine sediments with gentle slopes. In this study, effortwill be made to investigate meanders’ turbulent boundary layer and toimprove the present knowledge about the river meandering phenomena. Itis assumed that the development of the perturbations which develop intomeanders or braids, is longer than the width of the channel. Interaction between the flow and mobile boundaries produces channel patterns which areclassified as meandering or braided. It is therefore long compared with theripples or dunes which cover the bed of such a channel and whose wavelength is shorter than the width of the channel. The variation of resistance toflow and rate of transport of bed material with velocity are discussed brieflyand taken into account. Meander flow and meander shear stress distribution of the channel are described. The basis is a steady, two-dimensionalmodel of flow in an alluvial channel with variable curvature. The meanderdevelopment is described by forcing a travelling, small-amplitude channelalignment wave on the system, and determining the growth characteristicsof the wave. Laboratory data are used to verify the formulas.


Meander;Sediment transport;Verify data;Oscillation

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