Thumb Rule for Nowcast of Dust Storm and Strong Squally Winds over Delhi NCR using DWR Data

Thumb Rule for Nowcast of Dust Storm and Strong Squally Winds over Delhi NCR using DWR Data



Squally winds are the natural hazards and are often associated with the severe thunderstorms (TS), which mostly affects plains of North West India during pre monsoon season (March to May). Squally winds of the order more than 60 kmph are very devastating. Under influence of these strong squally winds trees, electricity poles, advertisement sign boards fall, sometimes human life is also lost. The main objective of this study is to find out the thumb rule based on Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) Data to Nowcast the squally winds over a region. To detect thumb rule, five cases of thunder storm accompanied with squally winds ranging from (55 kmph to 110 kmph) are taken in to consideration. These TS’s occurred over Delhi NCR (National Capital Region) during May - June 2018. Maximum reflectivity (Max Z) data of Delhi DWR, Cloud Top Temperature (CTT) data from INSAT and squally winds along with other weather parameters observed at Safdarjung and Palam observatories are utilized to find out the Thumb Rule. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that presence of a western disturbance (WD), presence of East-West trough from North-west Rajasthan upto East UP through south Haryana and very high temperature of the order of 40 degree Celsius over the nearby area are very conducive for occurrence of squally winds accompanied with thunderstorms. Thumb rule find out in this study is that, squally winds of the order of 55 kmph or more will effect a station if a thunderstorm (having Max Z echo with vertical extension of cell >7 km, reflectivity >45 dBz and at a distance of more than 100 km from the station) moving towards station is present in one to two hour before images of Doppler Weather Radar.


Doppler Weather Radar; Squally winds; Thunderstorm; Dust storm; Now-cast

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