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📚 Laboratory and Mathematical Modeling of Green Roof and Different Color Roofs

👉 The results of these studies at CU and JGR clearly show the benefits of using a vegetated green roof.
#Greenroof #Blackroof #PMequation #ET
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 Palaeoweathering, Provenance and Hydrothermal Alteration  Characteristics of Nahuta Clay, Jos-Plateau, Northcentral Nigeria

👉 The geochemical characteristics of Nahuta clay, Jos-Plateau, northcentral Nigeria were obtained to ascertain the provenance, palaeoweathering and hydrothermal alteration characteristics. 
#Provenance #Palaeoweathering #Hydrothermal #Alterationandgranitic
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 Water Quality Assessment Using the Water Quality Index, and Geographic Information Systems in Nador Canal, Morocco

👉 This study aimed to assess the spatial variations in water quality in the Nador Canal, Morocco using the water quality index combined with multivariate statistical techniques and geographic information systems (GIS).
#Samples #Water_quality_index #Surface_water #GIS
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 A Literature Review of the Environmental and Health Risks of Copper Foil Manufacturing Plants in Relation to a New Facility Planned in Catalonia, Spain

👉 The most important conclusion of this review is that there is currently no information—available in scientific journals—on the characterization and evaluation of the environmental and health risks of this kind of facility.
#Electrolyticcopperfoil #Manufacturingplants #Environmentalpollutants #Health risks #Socialconcern
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 Features of the Geoinformation Monitoring System Using Microwave and Optical Tools

👉 The article discusses the issues of GIMS-technology that combines the methodology of GIS-technology and simulation modeling, giving it predictive functions when solving problems of environmental monitoring of the environment.
#GIMStechnology #Remotesensing #Monitoring #Environment #Brightnesstemperature #Ecosystem #Spectroellipsometry #Spectrophotometry
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 Application of Orthophoto Maps Created from UAV Aerial Images for Monitoring Historical and Cultural Heritage Lands

👉 The study investigates the methodology of creating orthophotoplans for immovable historical and cultural heritage sites, beginning from aerial surveys using various UAVs to object vectorization and plan creation. 
#Landsofhistoricalpurpose #Aerialsurvey #Orthophotoplans #Historicalboundaries #Protectivezone #Culturalheritage #Monitoringoflands
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 Contingent Valuation on Residents' Willingness to Pay for Mangrove Rehabilitation in Baroy, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines

👉 This study, therefore, determined the factors that influence the resident's Willingness to Pay for mangrove rehabilitation in Barangay Raw-an Point, Baroy, Lanao del Norte, Philippines. 
#Contingentvaluationmethod #Mangroverehabilitation #Socioeconomicfactors
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 Assessment of the Solar Energy Potential over South America Estimated by CMIP6 Models in the Present and Future Climate

👉 Despite the data and processes' inherent limitations, this study yields a first analysis of statistically downscaled projections from CMIP6 for solar power generation in South America, providing valuable information for energy sector decision-makers.
#Solarpower #CMIP6 #Climatechange #Statisticaldownscaling #SouthAmerica
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 Valorization of Agricultural Wastes to Offset Greenhouse Gases  (GHGs) Emissions: An Insight in Southeast Asia

👉 This paper aims to review and synthesize the existing literature on agricultural waste valorization in the Southeast Asian (SEA) region, with a focus on its potential to offset greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 
#Agriculturalwaste #Biomass #Valorization #Greenhousegas #SoutheastAsia
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 An Innovative Predictive Model for Indoor Thermal Comfort  Condition of Residential Buildings to Mitigate Urban Warming: Case  Study Kolkata, India

👉 This study is based on a composite analysis of the thermal performances of sample buildings against the physical factors influencing thermal performance—initially through examination of correlation and thereafter by developing a set of innovative numerical predictive models between indoor thermal conditions and their contributing parameters. 
#Urbanwarming #Heatislandmitigation #Thermalcomfort #Heatindex #Residentialbuilding #Predictivemodel
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 Scintillation Level of Scattered Radio Waves in the Equatorial Ionosphere

👉 Numerical calculations are carried out using the hybrid anisotropic correlation function of electron density fluctuations containing both exponential and power-law spectral functions having arbitrary spectral index, applying the experimental data.
#Radiowaves #Statisticalcharacteristics #Atmosphere #Conductivity #Scintillation #Irregularities
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Precision Irrigation

👉 The paper discusses AI-based methods for monitoring soil conditions, weather forecasting, and real-time decision-making in irrigation. 
#ArtificialIntelligence #Irrigation #Agriculture #Data
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 AI Based Urban Resilience Planning: Opportunities and Challenges

👉 This research introduces the application of the AI for resilient cities model for flood risk assessment, focusing specifically on the vulnerable area of Penthakata, located in the coastal city of Puri, Odisha.
#Floodrisk #Community #Hyperlocalassessment #Climatechange #Disaster #ArtificialIntelligence
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 How to Make Future Cities Smart in the Realm of Environmentally  Friendly Healthy Cities? Looking from the Perspective of Ease of  Living Index

👉 The study based on literature review and comparative analysis identifies 8 determinants, 28 sub-determinants and 112 indicators, enhancing the comprehensiveness of the EOL Index to promote smart, environmentally friendly, healthy, and sustainable urban development.
#Easeoflivingindex #Environmentalproblems #Healthycities #Smartcities #Sustainabledevelopment #Urbanhealth #Wellbeing
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com

📚 Isolation and Identification of the Ammonium and Nitrite Oxidizing Bacterial Strains for Nitrogen Treatment in Shrimp Pond in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam

👉 The objective of this study was to isolate and identify the nitrifying bacteria from wastewater in the aquaculture system at Quang Ninh province and initially evaluate their ability to treat nitrogen in water and determine the strain of bacteria and identify the strain of bacteria. 
#Bacteriaisolation #Identification #Nitrification #Eutrophication #Ammoniumoxidizing #Nitriteoxidizing
✉ Email: jees@bilpubgroup.com


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