Forum for Linguistic Studies (FLS) | ISSN: 2705-0602 (Online) 2705-0610 (Print)


📚 Discourse analysis on online gender-based humor: Markers of normalization, tolerance, and lens of inequality

👉 The study examined the contrarian features of gender-based online humor in relation to the mainstreaming of gender and development (GAD).
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👩‍💼 Managing Editor: Dorothy Xu

📚 Message patterns of online gender-based humor discriminatory practices biases stereotyping and disempowering tools through discourse analysis

👉 This study explored the message patterns of gender-based humor in social media in different layers of discriminatory practices against certain genders, language biases against women and LGBT including elements of stereotyping and disempowering tools against the personal images of subordinate genders.
#genderbasedhumor #discourseanalysis #messagepatternsofdiscriminatorypractices #biases #stereotyping #disempoweringtools
✉️ Email:
👩‍💼 Managing Editor: Dorothy Xu

📚 Parental support strategies and motivation in aiding their children learn the English language

👉 With that, the purpose of this study was to determine the parental support strategies and motivation of parents in teaching the English language. 
#English #extendedlanguageteaching #motivation #parentalsupportstrategies
✉️ Email:
👩‍💼 Managing Editor: Dorothy Xu

📚 Officers and men, and fallen heroes: The discursive construction of regimented masculinity in the Nigerian Army

👉 This paper examines the use of gendered language in the Nigerian Army's community of practice through the application of insights from language ideology and theory of masculinity.
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👩‍💼 Managing Editor: Dorothy Xu

📚 Vietnamese EFL high school teachers’ perceptions of difficulties when implementing competency-based English teaching curriculum and their proposed solutions

👉 This study aims to examine the perceptions of Vietnamese English as a foreign language (EFL) high school teachers regarding the implementation of the competency-based English teaching curriculum (CETC) in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam.
✉️ Email:
👩‍💼 Managing Editor: Dorothy Xu

📚 What do we know about L2 teachers' emotion regulation? A bibliometric analysis of the pertinent literature

👉 Since emotion regulation is a key factor in second language (L2) education, multitudes of studies have been conducted on this emotional factor.
#emotionregulation #secondlanguageeducation #L2teachers #bibliometricanalysis
✉️ Email:
👩‍💼 Managing Editor: Dorothy Xu

📚 Emotion concept disgust and its German counterparts: Equivalence determination based on language corpora data

👉 Our two-stage methodology was tested in order to determine the most accurate equivalent for Anglo-Saxon emotion concept (EC) disgust among German ekel, abneigung, abneigung and abscheu.
#emotion #translation #equivalent #arousal #valence
✉️ Email:
👩‍💼 Managing Editor: Dorothy Xu

📚 Nominal-phrase premodifications by non-native English speakers: The case of attributive adjective word order of Saudi EFL students at tertiary level

👉 To accomplish this main objective, a designed pronominal adjective test was developed and carried out on 139 Saudi undergraduate EFL students who were purposively recruited for this study.
#attributiveadjective #nominalphrase #premodifications #SaudiEFLstudents #wordorder
✉️ Email:
👩‍💼 Managing Editor: Dorothy Xu

📚 A comparative study of solitary and teacher-led pre-task planning effect on EFL university learners’ writing performance: A case of an online platform amidst COVID-19

👉  This study compared the effect of a solitary pre-task intervention with a teacher-led pre-task planning on the Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance during COVID-19.
#COVID19 #onlinelanguageteaching #solitary #teacherled
✉️ Email:
👩‍💼 Managing Editor: Dorothy Xu


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