On the Possible Cometary Nature of the Uchur Cosmic Body (Fall 3.08. 1993)

On the Possible Cometary Nature of the Uchur Cosmic Body (Fall 3.08. 1993)


Received: 25 April 2023 | Revised: 19 June 2023 | Accepted: 30 June 2023 | Published Online: 13 July 2023


An expeditionary study of the area of the alleged impact event that occurred on 3.08.1993 in the area of the Lower Konkuli River (southeast of the Aldan Highlands, Lurikan Range, Russia) was carried out. According to the materials of remote sensing, the places of collision with the earth of a cosmic body are determined. In the area of the impact of the shock wave on the Earth’s surface, peat samples were selected, the micro probe analysis of which showed the presence of a cosmogenic substance in concentrations 6-8 times higher than the background. Silicate and magnetite micro spheres, native iron, moissanite, and carbon micro tubes coated with a film consisting of pure nickel were found. Of particular interest were the findings of specific Ni film micro structures that allow us to make an assumption about the cometary nature of the Uchur cosmic body. Most researchers associate the observed flights of fireballs with the subsequent fall of meteorites. Researchers are trying to find the massive body of the fallen space body. However, often, even after many years of searching, a massive cosmic body cannot be found. This happened when studying the site of the fall of the Tunguska cosmic body. In this case, it remains to be assumed that the cosmic body contained microscopic dust particles. The structure and composition of such particles can only be studied using microscopic research methods. When studying the Uchur cosmic body, the authors concluded that it could be of a cometary nature due to the findings of specific particles—thin films of pure nickel on the surface of plant remains of terrestrial origin. This hypothesis arose from the recent discovery of atomic nickel vapors in comets.


Uchur cosmic body, Impact event, Cosmogenic matter, Microtubes, Nickel films, Microstructures, Cometary nature


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