Geochemical Characterization of Mineralized Pegmatites around Wowyen Areas, Akwanga, Northcentral Nigeria
Geochemical Characterization of Mineralized Pegmatites around Wowyen Areas, Akwanga, Northcentral Nigeria
This study aims to account for the petrogenesis and mineralization of pegmatites around the Wowyen area, northcentral basement complex,Nigeria. Field studies, petrography and whole rock geochemistry (Major oxides were estimated by X-Ray Fluorescence while the trace elements were estimated by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) where the methods adopted. The pegmatites around Wowyen area are emplaced in the remobilized belt of the Nigerian Basement complex. They are predominantly complex pegmatites (rare-metal pegmatites) which are intruded in the biotite-muscovite gneiss while the simple pegmatites intruded more in the migmatitic banded gneiss. The major components of the complex pegmatites are quartz, albite and muscovite and tourmaline.The accessory constituents are garnet; ilmenites; cassiterite-columbitetantalite oxides in contrast to quartz, microcline and biotite of the simple pegmatites. The complex pegmatites show higher peraluminous than the simple pegmatites, however, higher fractionation is observed in the complex pegmatites than the simple pegmatites. The complex pegmatites are rather enriched in rare elements such as Li, Rb, B, Cs, Sn, Nb, Be and Ta and show low ratios in Al/Ga and K/Rb than the simple pegmatites. The pegmatites are likely product of sedimentary origin and originated from post-collisional tectonic event.
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