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Petroleum Filling Stations and Their Impact on the Environment in Nigeria

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jees.v4i1.4073


The poor state of the environment, especially in urban areas, has become a major global issue, with developing countries such as Nigeria voicing growing concern. There is a scarcity of knowledge on the environmental impact of PFSs as a result of the loss of life and property, as well as other serious socio-economic implications of non-compliance with PFSs siting criteria. The historical literature on the impact of residential buildings, the environment, and human health on PFSs in Nigeria, as well as the study’s gap, is examined in this research. It also outlines DPR compliance with PFSs location as well as established criteria for prohibiting PFS siting in Nigeria’s states. Relevant publications on PFSs-related topics were downloaded from Google Scholar. The goal of this study is to look back on a previous essay about PFSs in Nigeria and its impacts on the environment and human health. This study’s main purpose is to give a complete overview of Nigerian PFSs. According to the article analyzed, the majority of PFSs were located close to residents, with setbacks from the road and residential areas of less than 30 m in 90% of the filling stations. As a result, the landowners can band together to argue that a facility that is improperly sited cannot be built. A great deal of public participation is required. A campaign should be launched to raise awareness among filling station owners and other developers of the dangers of non-compliance with established norms. All violators of the established norms, as well as corrupt officials of enforcement agencies/bodies, should face open punishment so that others might learn their lessons. Finally, appropriate planning is required to allow future road expansion.


Petroleum filling stations (PFSs); Environment; Health; Impact; Department of Petroleum Resource (DPR)

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Soil Bunds Effect on Soil Properties under Different Topographies of the Southwest Ethiopia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jees.v4i1.4322


Soil erosion is a major environmental problem affecting development endeavor. Physical soil and water conservation (SWC) measures such as soil bunds are implemented to mitigate soil erosion. However, information on the effects of soil bunds on soil fertility is limited. This study was aimed to evaluate soil quality in fields with soil bunds and with no soil bunds in steep, middle and lower sloping cultivated lands as well as spatial variation of soil properties in between bunds in southwest Ethiopia. About 7-15 years old bunds and nearby cultivated fields lacking bunds were assessed. From 0 cm-20 cm soil depth, a 36 soil samples were collected. Soil texture, soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (Ntot) and exchangeable potassium (Kexch) were analyzed. Soil bunds showed significantly (p<0.0.5) greater clay but less sand than adjacent no-bund fields. In steep, middle, and lower slopes, concentrations of SOC and Kexch were greater in fields with soil bunds than without. Lower slope fields showed greater clay, SOC and nutrients than steep slopes. In between soil bunds, soil was more fertile at above bunds than below the bunds. In Fanta watershed, soil bunds are vital conservation measure to retain soil fertility on cultivated mountainous area.


Soil erosion; Environmental problem; Soil fertility; Soil and water conservation; Intra-bund; Steep slope

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Spatial Distribution of Black Soot and Its Health Effects in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jees.v4i1.4340


This research presents a novel approach to assessing the health implications of black soot using a MiniVol air sampler. The MiniVol air sampler was used to collect PM from the ambient air at six monitoring sites in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Sampling was conducted every day for seven days, for a period of 24 hours. PM2.5 concentrations at Uniport Junction, GRA Junction, Slaughter Roundabout, Abuloma Jetty, Rumuomasi Roundabout, and New Road Borokiri were 38.6 g/m3 , 28.3 g/m3 , 93.7 g/m3 , 72.9 g/m3 , 30.6 g/m3 , and 31.3 g/m3 , respectively. PM10 concentrations ranged from 71.2 g/m3 to 60.6 g/m3 , with 103.3 g/m3 , 85.5 g/m3 , 40.1 g/m3 , and 35.2 g/m3 being the highest. The level of PM2.5 and PM10 pollution in the ambient air was high across the six sampling sites, with mean PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations exceeding the WHO (2011) guideline. The flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) technique was used. The presence of heavy metals, such as mean metal concentrations of lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, and nickel, ranged from 0.009 g/m3 -0.532 g/m3 , 0.002 g/m3 - 0.544 g/m3 , 0.002 g/m3 -0.338 g/m3 , 0.001 g/m3 , and 0.001 g/m3 -0.432 g/m3 , across the six sampling sites. The GC-MS was used to determine the presence of PAHs in particulate matter. Correlation results revealed a strong positive correlation between PM2.5 and PM10. The findings also revealed a positive relationship between the metals as well as between the metals and PAHs, resulting in asthma, lung cancer, breathing difficulties, and miscarriages among pregnant women, which have affected the health implications of the people living in the environment.


Black soot; Port harcourt; Air polluion; WHO; PM2.5; PM10; PAHs

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Metamorphic Evolution of the Amphibolites from Bundelkhand Craton, Central India: P-T Constraints and Phase Equilibrium Modelling

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jees.v4i1.4397


The amphibolites from the Mauranipur and Babina regions are located in the central part of the Bundelkhand Craton (BuC), northern India. During the geodynamic evolution of the BuC, these amphibolites underwent medium-grade metamorphism. This study combines textural observations of amphibolites from two distinct regions (Mauranipur and Babina) with mineral chemistry and phase equilibrium modelling. Observations suggest that the amphibolites of both areas have gone through three stages of metamorphism. The pre-peak stage in the amphibolites from the Mauranipur and Babina regions is marked by the assemblages Ep-AmpCpx-Pl-Ilm-Ru-Qz and Ep-Amp-Cpx-Pl-Ab-Ilm-Qz respectively; the peak metamorphic stage is characterized by the mineral assemblages Amp-CpxPl-Ilm-Ru-Qz and Amp-Cpx-Pl-Ilm-Qz-H2O, which is formed during the burial process, and the post-peak stage is represented by the assemblages Amp-Pl-Ilm-Ru-Qz and Amp-Pl-Ilm-Qz-H2O respectively, which is formed by exhumation event. By applying the phase equilibria modelling in the NCFMASHTO system, the P-T conditions estimated from pre-peak, peak to post-peak stages are characterized as 6.7 kbar/510 ℃, 7.3 kbar/578 ยบC and > 3.0 kbar/>585 ยบC, respectively, for the Mauranipur amphibolites; and 6.27 kbar/520 ยบC, 5.2 kbar/805 ยบC and > 3.0 kbar/>640 ยบC respectively for Babina amphibolites. The textural association and P-T conditions of both amphibolites suggest that these rocks were affected by burial metamorphism followed by an exhumation process during subduction tectonism in the BuC.


Bundelkhand craton; Amphibolite; P-T pseudosection; Subduction setting

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Promoting Pedestrian Transportation for Reducing Air Pollution from Urban Transport

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jees.v4i1.4570


Increasing air pollution around the world causes many problems, especially in the field of health. Air pollution affects not only human health but also other living things health. The factors that cause air pollution the most are heating, industry, and transportation. Many countries in the world carry out various studies to reduce the effect of these factors on air pollution. Especially in the field of transportation, studies have been quite a lot in recent years. In this study, air pollution caused by transportation in Erzurum, Turkey has investigated. Emission amounts of NOX, PM10, and SO2 values have calculated according to the types of vehicles in the city. Then, the amount of emissions from transportation in the total sector has revealed. The transportation structure of the city has examined in general terms and the missing aspects in terms of pedestrian transportation have revealed. Finally, some solution proposals aiming to encourage the use of pedestrian transportation and micro mobility vehicles in order to reduce motor land vehicles are presented.


Air pollution; Urban transport; Pedestrians

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Rings Structures on Ice Lake Baikal

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jees.v4i1.4576


On cosmic picture of the ice surface lake Baikal are discovered dark ring by diameter 7 km-8 km. The author shall give physical interpretation given phenomenon, having expected that shaping rings are connected with surge of the warm natural gas from sedimentary thick mass of the bottom of the Baikal. Convection is formed in thick mass of water in the manner of torah around surge of the natural gas, which carries become warm water before surface (the lower edge ice) in side from pole of the natural gas. The mechanism heatconductivity heat gets to upper edge ice, where snow and ice begin intensive to melt. As a result thawed patch is formed on snowclad ice in the manner of ring.


Convection; Baikal; Thermal conductivity; Hydrodynamics

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