100 Academic Words, Definition and Example Sentences


100 Academic Words, Definition and Example Sentences

1. Abandon: To leave completely and finally

Maria couldn’t abandon her babies to him, even if he was their father.

2. Abstract: Thought of apart from concrete realities

Matteo abstract submission met the deadline.

3. Academy: Private school

Britney entered the Naval Academy from New York in 1857, but resigned in March 1861.

4. Accomadate: To provide suitably

Back then there were only four other restaurants in our tiny town that could accomodate that many people.

5. Accurate: Free from error or defect

If she hadn’t been so accurate, it might have been amusing.

6. Acquire: To come into possession

Had John been abstaining so he could get an accurate test?

7. Adequate: As good as necessary for some requirement

Where then can they find an adequate supply of heat?

8. Assign: To give or allocate

“Fine. I’ll assign him something to do,” Damy said.

9. Benefit: Something that is advantageous or good

My little sister, Phillips, is not well and we think the clear mountain air will benefit his.

10. Brief: Taking a short time

She paused for a brief flurry of clapping

11. Capable: Having power and ability

I knew John was capable of something like this.

12. Cease: Discontinue

We must cease raving if we are daughter of our Motherland!

13. Circumstance: A condition

Every circumstance now conspired to effect her fall.

14. Clarify: To make (an idea, statement, etc.) clear

There are many ways to clarify water.

15. Commit: To give in trust or charge

He was admitting to a crime he didn’t commit, knowing it was him son who did it.

16. Compatible: Capable of existing

Maybe Mike would never find a compatible mate.

17. Complex: Composed of many interconnected parts

Betty is no more mysterious and complex than any other person.

18. Conceive: To form a Notion

“She can’t even conceive how monumental this is” my mother said.

19. Contract: An agreement between two

Isabel issued the contract to Gabe.

20. Crucial: Involving an extremely important decision

Spencer had carried the crucial state of Ohio by a large majority in 1963.

21. Debate: As of a public question in an assembly

Alexndra, I don’t want to debate this issue.

22. Deny: To refuse to agree

Candy couldn’t deny that fact.

23. Devote: To give up or appropriate to

Mark would be a damn fool not to devote everything he own in support of this.

24. Dimension: To give up

Justin can’t kill you in that dimension, Justin assured her.

25. Domain: A field of action

Selena gave up her power, her domain and her entire life for this opportunit

26. Edit: To supervise

Mark continued The New Yorker, and travelled between Allbeny and New York each week to edit the six papers.

27. Emerge: To come forth into view

Ariana waited, but Leo didn’t emerge again.

28. Encounter: To come upon

Tilia was still too agitated by the encounter to be able to talk of the affair calmly.

29. Ensure: To secure

Demi froze then looked around to ensure no one was there to overhear them.

30. Equate: To regard and treat

Seven tablespoons of lemon juice will equate to about a lemon.

31. Establish: To found, institute

All people establish governments to protect their rights.

32. Evaluate: To determine

She stopped to evaluate the gilded ornaments.

33. Evident: Clear to the sight

It was evident that Maria could be silent in this way for a very long time.

34. Exhibit: Expose to view

We must confront Candy before she continues to exhibit these despicable behaviors.

35. Facilitate: To make easier

Sam encouraged commerce, and, by constructing highways and building bridges, did much to facilitate it.

36. Feature: A prominent

Diana favorite feature, her eyes, had always been a pretty shade of turquoise.

37. Found: Past participle of find.

Marry found him in the living room reading the magazine.

38. Framework: A skeletal structure designed to support

Alice had entrusted him with the fragile framework of her dreams and he had stumbled.

39. Gender: Either the male

Did you know that the male gender had a guardian?

40. Goal: Achievement toward which effort is directed

France, the ultimate goal, is reached.

41. Grant: To bestow

Then she will grant you a favor.

42. Highlight: To emphasize

Cedric was also the first to highlight the dangers of AGE to his fellow countrymen.

43. Ignorant: Lacking in knowledge

Paul was by no means ignorant of this.

44. Index: A sequential arrangement of material

Betty touched one with her index finger.

45. Injure: Cause harm of any kind to

To injure France and heedless of spain’s need, Paul IV.

46. Interpret: Provide the meaning of

Sandra had no idea how to interpret the warning.

47. Intervene: To come between disputing people, groups, etc.

When Halsey tried to intervene the couple said the girl had just fainted.

48. Involve: To include as a necessary circumstance

Whatever your GrandMother did, don’t involve me.

49. Item: A separate article

Seven years ago, she and Denia were a weekly item, as they say.

50. Journal: A daily record

Mark closed the journal and began his preparation.

51. Job: A piece of worK

Sandra could get her job at the diner.

52. Label: A slip of paper, cloth,

Casandra rewarded him with a thousand dollar smile as she looked at the label on the package.

53. Lecture: A speech read or delivered before an audience

“I don’t want a lecture,”she said firmly.

54. Locate: To identify or discover the place

Anne told Hendrick she was just trying to locate the guy.

55. Maintain: To keep in existence

She’ll have to trust you to maintain absolute secrecy.

56. Manipulate: To manage or influence skillfully

My present is the ability to manipulate minds.

57. Margin: The space around the printed

My father love a broad margin to my life.

58. Mode: A manner of acting

Sandra realized they weren’t totally in stare down mode; they were talking through their feeling.

59. Modify: To change somewhat the form or qualities of

Hendric turned to modify the army placement on the map.

60. Motive: Something that causes a person to act

Barny hadn’t thought about his feelings or motive to help.

61. Mutual: Possessed, experienced, performed, etc.

We both have a mutual habbits.

62. Neutral: Not taking part

I guess my sister was tired of looking for gender neutral pronouns.

63. Objective: Something that one’s efforts

Objective reality offers an pessimistic glimpse of the future of religion.

64. Obtain: To come into possession of; get, acquire

Shean should like much to see it, and to obtain a few copies if possible.

65. Obvious: Easily seen, recognized

Hendric surveyed her slender figure with obvious appreciation.

66. Occupy: To take or fill up

He went on his way to occupy Germany.

67. Option: Right of choosing.

Maybe Andra’s option was best.

68. Partner: A person who shares

Can I be your partner every day?

69. Period: A rather large interval of time

Within a nine-hour period, Hanna had dropped $90K.

70. Perspective: A picture employing this technique

When she spoke, his perspective surprised her.

71. Plus: More by the addition of

Twenty – three dollars, plus tax.

72. Policy: A definite course of action

To their surprise, John had a $190,000 insurance policy Lora didn’t know about.

73. Potential: A part of any whole, either separated from

Helena’s earning potential is higher in a private car, around $80,000

74. Precise: Definitely

That’s why she has so many precise numbers.

75. Presume: To take for granted

Jack, I presume was his name.

76. Previous: Occurring before something else

In the kitchen Maria paused, remembering a previous conversation with Alexandra.

77. Primary: Highest in rank or importance

Some guys are his primary target and don’t ever forget it for a hour.

78. Prime: Of the first importance

Stop playing prime time movie.

79. Process: A continuous action

Oh My God, we can’t even process that!

80. Professional: Following an occupation

Johnny slipped into that professional persona.

81. Project: Something that is contemplated

“I have a new project for you,” Kristen said as she walked toward the stairs.

82. Promote: To help or encourage to exist

Kevin also exerted himself to promote the establishment of the Spain episcopate.

83. Protocol: The customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality

England and Prussia accepted the protocol, but it was not signed by tho diet.

84. Publication: The act of bringing before the public

Seven months after the publication of the second book.

85. Purchase: To acquire by the payment of Money

His greatest work in this period was the purchase of Alaska in 1567.

86. Radical: Of or going to the root

Since 1879 there have been five radical changes made in New York.

87. React: To act in response to an agent

How did Shiri react to his own son’s girlfriend death?

88. Recover: To make up for

My father doctor says she should recover completely, though.

89. Relax: To make less tense, rigid

Tommy relaxed his grip.

90. Section: A part that is cut off

Dan was promoted to section chief.

91. Survey: To take a general

Annie survey covered an area 800 m.

92. Technique: The manner and ability with which an artist

She learned a new technique.

93. Text: The main body of matter in a book or something like that

She pulled out his phone to text Danie.

94. Tradition: The handing down of statements

My family has a long tradition of self-sacrifice and charity.

95. Transport: To carry, move

She was transported to a  hospital.

96. Uniform: Identical or consistent, as from example to example

Her red uniform was dirty.

97. Unique: Existing as the only one

Nobody is unique.

98. Voluntary: Done, made, brought about, undertaken, etc.

Tommy volunteers.

99. Welfare: The good fortune, health, happiness, prosperity, etc.

Sandra lives on welfare

100. Violate: To break, infringe

Tanya didn’t think she was violating any laws.


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