
Showing posts from June, 2022

Most Important Academic Words List

  Analyze Assess Approach Pursue Estimate Involve Respond Categorize Link Remove Commit Implement Focus Perceive Select Consent Survive Derive Allocate Identify Imply Publish Specify Contrast Isolate Submit Detect Restore Establish Process Affect Maintain Access Refine Emerge Require Justify Rely Attribute Grant Publish Clarify Guide Attain Generate Inhibit Aid Confirm Assume Contract Modify Monitor Evaluate Participate Seek Compensate Prioritize Define Function Legislate Demonstrate Illustrate Locate Validate Occur Conduct Invest Survey Integrate Deviate Allocate Precede Diminish State Enforce Faciliate Regulate Transfer Contribute Emphasize Assist Consume Obtain Restrict Occupy Indicate Adapt Comprehend Claim Decline Expand Promote Intervene Reverse Modify Monitor Classify Deduct Interact Alternate

Geochemical Trends in Weathering Profiles and Their Underlying Precambrian Basement Rocks in Akure, Southwestern Nigeria

  Keywords: Akure Nigeria Geochemical trends In-situ weathering profile Kaolinitic ABSTRACT Akure area in southwestern Nigeria falls within the basement complex  underlain by migmatite, quartzite granite and charnockite. Geochemical  features of these crystalline rocks and their overlying in-situ weathering  profiles are investigated and reported. Analytical result from ICP-MS  facility at the University of Malaya reveals average SiO2 content in  quartzite (91.1%), granite (73.8%), migmatite (67.4%) and charnockite  (58.6%) categorize the rocks as siliceous. SiO2 contents in the weathering  profiles above these rocks are 61.9%, 60.2%, 52.2% and 54.6%  respectively. Alumina contents in the weathering profiles overlying  quartzite (23.8%), granite (19.9%), migmatite (26.3%) and charnockite  (24.3%) are substantially higher than the precursor rocks. In the same  order, average alkali (Na2O+K2O) contents in the profiles are 3.38%, ...

200 Academic Word List in English

  acronym address affect alter always annotate anticipate application apply articulate assert assess associate assume assumption audience authentic brief calculate caption category cause character characteristic citation cite claim clarify class Clue code complete compose composition concrete consistently constant constitutes consult contend context continuum contradict control convert convey copy correlate correspond credible criteria critique crucial cumulative defend demonstrate depict derive develop devise diction differentiate discipline discover discriminate discuss distinguish domain draft draw effect elements emphasize employ equal equivalent evaluate event evidence excerpt exclude exercise exhibit explain explore expository figure focus footer foreshadow form format former formulate fragment heading highlight hypothesize identify illustrate imitate imply inclined include infer influence inform inquire instructions integrate intent intention interact intermittent interpret ...

Mapping Seasonal Variation in the Distribution and Concentration of Heavy Metals Using Water Quality Index and Geographic Information Sys- tem Based Applications

  Keywords Environmental pollution Fosu lagoon Heavy metals Public education Seasonal variation ABSTRACT Incessant monitoring of water is essential in terms of heavy metals and tox-ic substances as it provides detailed information on aquatic resources. Ma-jority of lagoons receive freshwater from their catchment areas containing industrial and domestic waste. The paper analysed seasonal variations in the distribution and concentrations of Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), Cadmium (Cd), and Manganese (Mn) in the Fosu lagoon in Ghana to ascertain the quality of the lagoon. Water was sampled from eighteen (18) different points on the lagoon and was analysed at the Water Research Institute (WRI) of the Center for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) using Atomic Absorp-tion Spectrometry (AAS) and the results were interpolated using kriging. The results obtained were compared with the World Health Organisation water quality index. Statistical analysis of heavy metal concentrations using Pear...

100 Academic Words, Definition and Example Sentences

  100 Academic Words, Definition and Example Sentences 1. Abandon: To leave completely and finally Maria couldn’t abandon her babies to him, even if he was their father. 2. Abstract: Thought of apart from concrete realities Matteo abstract submission met the deadline. 3. Academy: Private school Britney entered the Naval Academy from New York in 1857, but resigned in March 1861. 4. Accomadate: To provide suitably Back then there were only four other restaurants in our tiny town that could accomodate that many people. 5. Accurate: Free from error or defect If she hadn’t been so accurate, it might have been amusing. 6. Acquire: To come into possession Had John been abstaining so he could get an accurate test? 7. Adequate: As good as necessary for some requirement Where then can they find an adequate supply of heat? 8. Assign: To give or allocate “Fine. I’ll assign him something to do,” Damy said. 9. Benefit: Something that is advantageous or good My little sister, Phillips, is not wel...

Self-health Monitoring and Reporting System for COVID-19 Patients Using CAN Data Logger

Keywords: COVID-19 Home isolation CAN protocol Data logger MAX30102 Health-monitoring ABSTRACT In the evolving situation of highly infectious coronavirus, the number of  confirmed cases in India has largely increased, which has resulted in a  shortage of health care resources. Thus, the Ministry of Health and Family  Welfare- Government of India issued guidelines for the ‘Home isolation  of COVID-19 positive patients’ methodology for asymptomatic patients or  with mild symptoms. During home isolation, the patients are required to  monitor and record the pulse rate, body temperature, and oxygen saturation  three times a day. This paper proposes a system that can request data from  the required sensor to measure the pulse rate, body temperature, or oxygen  saturation. The requested data is sensed by the respective sensor placed  near the patients’ body and sent to the CAN data logger over the CAN bus.  The CAN data logger live streams...

110 Academic Words list in English

  access access accurate achieve acquire Acquired analyse aspect assist Attractive available aware benefit benign comment compensate component concentrate consequence consist constant construct contribute convert (into) Cordial correspond crucial Declared define demonstrate design Diminutive disposal distinct Dreadfully emphasise Enchanting Entertaining erode error estimate Excellent exclude Extensive extract Extraordinarily Fantastic flexible Friendly function Gained Gorgeous Gossiped Hollered Huge identical identify Incredible Incredibly indicate indication interpretation item Kind Large legislation location logical Magnificent majority maximise Miniature minimise monitor obtain Obtained obvious occur option participate participation period Petite precise predictable prohibited proportion prospect psychological purchase pursue relevant reliable require requirement resource respond retain Retrieved role sector secure select significant source Splendid status structure Stunning sub...