Highly Cited Articles in Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | ISSN: 2661–3190 (Online)-Ⅱ

Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences is an international multidisciplinary journal with publishing original results on innovative approaches and scientific findings of environmental & earth sciences as well as significant interaction between human activities, natural resources, environments or climate changes. The scope of the Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences includes, but is not limited to:Geological and hydrogeological resources Geomorphology Edaphology Geochemical Geophysical principles Geodesy Remote sensin Climate change Environmental problems Indexing Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences (JEES) is indexed/ included by : Engineering Village-GEOBASE Scopus Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) Google Scholar J-Gate BASE Citefactor Scilit Index Copernicus WorldCat CNKI Scholar CQVIP Baidu Scholar MyScienceWork Crossref Highly Cited Articles in Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | ISSN: 2661-3190 (Online) ๐ Morphologic Response o...